Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

Ugh, the fucking language police. I wonder if Bourdain got taken to task for his cursing or if dumbasses just think they have the right to police women and POCs for this shit. OH MY LET ME CLUTCH MY PEARLS!!! We need to get you a bigger audience in NY and Ireland they curse like a mother fucker, LOL.

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As i've been to Ireland...I can confirm. LMAO!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

When we went it was 'feck' this 'feck' that. And then one young lady told an old guy who looked at her that she was gonna 'kick ya in yer feckin prick' if he looked at her again. It was like coming home, lol.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

haha yes!! us NYers love to curse

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

I so enjoy your writing style so please keep it up. I actually read your newsletter and since I seem to just scan everything nowadays this is a high compliment coming from me.

Happy Third Birthday!

Nancy Noreen

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Thank you so much, nancy!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

I curse like a fucking sailor and a lot of men really hate it! Tough shit. :) You keep on being you--that's who we're here for.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

i'm from RI and have spent the last 20 or so years in boston/surrounding area(s) so yeah...i curse. a lot. it's just part of how i speak. there's no emotion behind it. i always say, there's a big difference between cursing and cursing AT someone. if i have a problem with someone in particular, they will know it and they won't have to go home and write a thesis on my language usage on social media to figure it out.

it's always the people that talk about "classiness" in any real, serious, meaningful way that you just know are the same ones complaining about "kids these days" (40 year olds), and writing the editors of the NYT that they don't like clues about rap in the crossword, behaving in "classless" ways themselves without and ounce of self awareness or reflection, and in general are just constantly looking for ways to ruin their own day.

over the years i've tried to tone down my cursing online, since people often perceive a sort of resting bitch voice to what i write, but sometimes i don't fucking feel like using eighteen emojis and exclamation points to prove to anonymous people i'll never meet that i'm a Very Nice Woman. (mostly i've stopped interacting on social media entirely because you can hardly write "lol" in the comments section of a meme anymore without some likes-chasing idiot with no social skills finding some way to cut you down.) and certainly if i was to write a book that was meant to be authentic, there would definitely be cursing. there is no one person who is for everyone, and that's ok. but you don't go making personal assumptions like one's level of "class" or worthiness or goodness just because it isn't your cup of tea. for fuck's sake, honestly. as always, keep on keepin' on.

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I've always said I had RBF and the voice version of it. You have given me the word, resting bitch voice. I will love you, forever.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

I ACCEPT! ..i mean, uh...yeah that's cool or whatever

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

I'm here for the Thrifty ice cream content (my childhood), and ALL your content. Also, knowing and living who you are is the type of growth that so many people yearn for, kudos. You're awesome and refreshing, and very much an essential part of the food world - thank you!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

You have the gift—-and colorful language makes you a great read!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

I recently read a negative Amazon review for Frankie Gaw’s book, saying they didn’t want all the personal essays, just recipes. So there are those people out there who just do not understand the point. I am not much of a curser myself but this book would not have been as authentically you without that aspect, and I was delighted when I read it and saw that they let you keep those words in!! It makes you and your story one of a kind, and the book is a treasure.

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How dare they say anything negative about my Frankie! (saunters off to troll the troll)

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

If an old lady like me isn't offended by your language (probably because I cuss like a sailor too 😆) then I think there aren't a whole lot of people out there who see the occasional swear word as being more important than the beautiful and meaningful stories you tell. Not to mention the recipes.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

Happy 3yrs of writing a fucking awesome letter! I started cursing line a sailor in all company once I hit 40-- and boy does it feel good to do AND to read. I love the realness of your writing and photos and food. There is a certain amount of soul-selling that seems like it needs to happen in so many cases, and I think life is better WITH a soul, but, hell, it does feel lonely I think sometimes. Hope you can ride a huge wave of subscribers and still use the words that feel right.

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Happy third birthday! I’m so glad you’re still here and still your real, authentic self. I don’t remember how, but I found your writing before there was a Substack, when you were still in SF. I always have respect for authenticity because it’s so much easier to “just blend in and not make a fuss” (spoken as someone who played that game). It didn’t help, I never fit in, and now I’m old enough not to care. Still, I get how hard it is to fight that bs on a daily basis, especially as an entrepreneur/author. We could all do with more authenticity and a lot less conformity to a society/patriarchy that doesn’t serve most of us anyway.

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Wow! Thanks for being here for so long. I'm still in the bay!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

Definitely willing to be patient, if all you did was this newsletter I would still come each week and read and be happy! Congrats on 3 years, that is one of my fav numbers so I hope something really good happens to you this year, you deserve it!

"My mother and I read and process the same words very differently." This part... I see so much of my caregiver relationship with my mom in your stories and it helps me feel not alone. I have shared your newsletters with her too. Thank you for doing what you do, every fucking thing, even the swearing hehe.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

illyanna- Happy third bday to your newsletter! Those who don’t like how you express yourself...well, they have too much time on their "precious" hands.

I would head over to Seattle that day to support you on your book tour (I’m just a few hours from the big city) but I’m scheduled to be out of town that day myself. I know your interview with Lauren will be great and please tell her hello from me.

I’d be honored if you might subscribe to my newsletter, too.

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As my generation said....Far Fucking Out!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

Fucking love you. Your writing moves my soul around and makes me feel less alone. I'm going to keep telling people about you. Let your power and influence grow. The real ones need you on their team.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by illyanna Maisonet

Congratulations on 3 years. I am late to your party so I have some back issues to enjoy. Keep being


Insta: jshachoy

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