“This mafucka went from smiling to violent within a nanosecond and people are acting like men don’t do this on the regular.” - That part.

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So sorry that happened to you! I know exactly what you mean about men's aggressive behavior. It can be rattling especially when driving.

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That's awful! I'm so sorry someone did that to you-- you absolutely did not deserve it.

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I'm sorry you were treated this way. It's disgusting.

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I am so sorry you experienced this, and I want to thank you for sharing. I passed this newsletter on to my bestie in SF (that's where we met) and she loved it too. She and I regularly talk about the small and large violences women experience on the daily, and your thoughts here are so relevant and relatable for both of us. So, THANK YOU. We are fans and we are grateful for you and your writing.

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F****ck! F*ck that a**hole and all the rest that want to gaslight you about the situation/experience. I'm sorry you had that happen to you and the extra of processing it when I'm guessing all you wanted to do was beat the traffic and get home.

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Ugh, that is utterly disgusting, and I’m sorry you not only had to deal with it but with people feeling the need to dissect that experience.

Men go from smiling to violent ALL THE DAMN TIME because they feel like women owe them… something. Smiles, attention, sex, whatever. And very little about our world has prepared them to properly respond when they don’t get exactly what they want.

It sucks, and I’m sorry you had to experience it when you’ve already got so much on your shoulders.

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JFC, I'm so sorry. I've had this happen to me enough times (hippie spat at me outside of Trader Joe's b/c I pretended to know the woman he was hassling about veganism to get her away from him) that ANY kind of look or comment from a strange man when I'm out in public immediately gets my hackles up.

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Traumatic and horrible. I’m so sorry you were abused this way.

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I’m so sorry and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself. And I’m really sorry that people gaslight you. Blaming the victim is an unconscious and deeply ingrained reflex in this culture.

Everything, including driving, is falling apart at the seams.

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That absolutely fucking sucks. I am sorry. And I know 20 deluxe car washes and scalding showers can't make a dent. It's messed up all the way and all the time.

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What the hell... I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you're ok.

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glad you're ok. wtf is wrong with people nowadays?

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Sorry that happened to you and glad you’re ok. The same thing happened to me once; it’s fucking disgusting. These mfs are everywhere, unfortunately.

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